Page 10 - 2020-Impact-Report
P. 10

We Keep Steppin’ Up!

         Music Therapy

         Music Therapy went online with our two
         certified music therapists providing live via
         Zoom and recorded YouTube videos for our
         families. Classes were organized by age group
         and included Mommy and Me for ages 0 - toddler,
         Walking Toddler, Spanish-only ages 0-6, Themed
         12 and Older, Music Therapy and Yoga for 8-15
         years old, Karaoke Night, and Friday virtual drum
         circles. Almost 200 people participated, some
         as far away as New Jersey, thanks to the online

                                                                                        (above) Hope loves virtual
                                                                                         music therapy, where she
                                                                                      plays instruments, sings, and
                                                                                             moves to the groove.

                                                                                      (left) Music therapist Jessica
                                                                                          Wood created YouTube
                                                                                         videos that families could
                                                                                      access at their convenience.

          “Will absolutely loves Music Therapy,                     “Music classes were a staple and a
          especially karaoke night. Our entire family               highlight for Grace over the summer.
          gets a kick out of watching him stand                     Grace responds so positively to music; our
          behind the computer singing and dancing.                  teacher was lovely, inclusive, and it was a
          It brings him so much joy!”                               bright spot in our morning to be able to
                                                                    hear upbeat music, and see smiling faces.”
                                          -Katy Drucker
                                                                                                       -Lisa Nevin

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