Page 15 - 2020-Impact-Report
P. 15

                  $                        112,201                             Chart Title
         Financial Statement                                                   1  2  3   4  5
 $                        112,201
 $                        402,831  Chart Title
                                                                              Chart Title
 $                        298,177  Income: $1,057,674*                 Expenses: $987,065
 $                          42,921     Fundraising Events:                                             Programs:
 $                        201,544  11%  $402,831                               11%                     $809,405
 $                     1,057,674  19%  Grants: $298,177                    7%                          General &
       4%                              General Contributions:                                          Admin:
 $                        809,405  38%  $112,201                                                       $111,415
 $                          66,245     Program Service Fees:                                           Fundraising:
 $                        111,415      $42,921                                                         $66,245
 $                        987,065  28%  Other Income (Includes                          82%
                                       one-time PPP forgivable
                                       loan, carryover from
                                       2019, and unclaimed
              1  2  3   4  5           State funds for the Down        *Overage of $70,609 will be
                                       Syndrome League):               reinvested in 2021 programs.
              Chart Title
      Major Funders

       Thank you to ALL of our individual, business, and foundation supporters in 2020. Due to
       space limitations, we are highlighting those who contributed $2,000 or more in 2020.

      Mike & Layne Alfrey                                      Knights of Columbus Council 4060
      Barr Family Foundation                                   Jonas & Rachael Kriksciunas
      Lowell Berry Foundation                                  Pat & Gayle Leiser
      Chevron                                                  Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
                 1  2  3
      CIBC Private Wealth Management                           LuMind Research Down Syndrome Foundation
      Brent Copen & Iara Peng Family Fund at the               Marino Family Charitable Foundation
      East Bay Community Foundation                            MassMutual Northern California
      Rick & Janet Cronk                                       Steven & Lizette Miller
      Tom & Linda Delaplane                                    Jeremiah Nevin
      Frank & Pat Elliot                                       Noll Foundation
      First Nonprofit Foundation                               Nordstrom Foundation
      June & Julian Foss Foundation                            Quest Foundation
      Freitas Foundation                                       Rite Aid Foundation
      Ken & Susan Fusselman                                    Safeway Foundation
      Tobby & Brooke Gavino                                    Deborah Schweizer
      Global Down Syndrome Foundation                          Mark & Susan Simens
      Jack Halperin & Tamasin Partridge                        Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
      Innovating Worthy Projects Foundation                    Sommer Family Foundation
      Jam Handy Character Building Foundation                  Lois & Ralph Stone Family Foundation
      John Muir Health Foundation                              Sunstate Equipment Foundation
      David & Alicia Keenan                                    Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation
      Kids-n-Need                                              Steve & Monica Vernay
      Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley                         Mark & Heather Vukelich
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