Page 2 - DSCBA - 2022 Impact Report
P. 2

It’s hard to say goodbye after

                                     15 impactful years

                                     Happy New Year             members’ needs throughout the greater
                                     and thank you              Bay Area. It was a very difficult decision
                                     for your support.          for me to retire until I knew Teresa was
                                     Your generosity            not only ready and willing but excited
                                     and commitment             about the opportunity. I’m confident in my
                                     to furthering our          choice and will be coaching and mentor-
                                     mission gave us an         ing Teresa until spring to ensure a smooth
        impactful and financially strong 2022 and               transition.
        a healthy start to 2023.                                Personally, I have been so moved by the
        This is our 25th anniversary and it will be             support and generosity I have witnessed
        another year rich with vital programs and               over my 15 years, going from a $200k
        thoughtful support services led by an out-              budget with three employees to a now
        standing staff to make it all happen.                   $1.3 million budget with 26 employees

        It has been my honor to lead the DSCBA                  and many contracted specialists who add
        as executive director for 15 years. I am                great value to the vast impact we make
        both happy and sad to say I will be re-                 annually.
        tiring this spring. The good news is the                I will miss my friends of all ages with
        DSCBA will be left in capable and strong                Down syndrome most, as they have taught
        hands as our director of programs, Teresa               me many important life lessons over the
        DeVincenzi, takes the reins. Many of you                years. I feel fortunate not only to have had
        know Teresa, as she has been with the                   the opportunity to foster inclusion and ac-
        DSCBA for eight years. She is a proven                  ceptance throughout the community, but
        leader and passionate about what we do                  to have also lived and modeled it to oth-
        and who we serve. Our staff respects her                ers in my life. Thank you for making these
        and she has her finger on the pulse of our              past 15 years so meaningful.

        I am honored and humbled to fully step into the role of
        executive director this spring. I have enjoyed my work with
        the organization for eight years with our amazing team.
        I am currently learning every aspect of the organization
        under Nancy’s thoughtful guidance. My time at the
        DSCBA, combined with my passion for our mission and
        the members we serve, drives my confidence in leading
        our organization towards continued success. I am excited
        to get to know our current and very generous donors who
        have been giving for many years as well as cultivating new
        donor relationships in the community. I look forward to
        leading such a dedicated and impactful group and to get
        started on the work ahead.

        2     Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area
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