By becoming a member, you will have more access to our programs, events and information. There is no cost to becoming a member.
When you make a donation to the DSCBA, you are funding a unique lifeline available full time to our members. You are empowering Bay Area families from the moment they receive a diagnosis or give birth. You are giving people with Down syndrome of all ages opportunities to thrive. You are making a significant impact toward inclusion, equity and awareness.
Volunteers are the backbone of our programs and events. We have weekly, monthly and special event opportunities!
Join Our Team | Join Our Board | Other Ways to Give | Community Impact Nomination | Tell Your Story
The DSCBA is looking to hire several positions in the Greater Bay Area. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of the families and individuals with Down syndrome, please click the link below to see our latest opportunities.
If you have time and energy, we are looking for you! Help with our fundraising events and become an advocate for an amazing organization. This is an opportunity to give back to the community and have fun while doing it. Board meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month. Be a part of something that will change your life.
If you are interested in joining our Board, please contact Mike Lin by email
The DSCBA would like to recognize community members who inspire us with their dedicated and exemplary service to individuals with Down syndrome and their families. Do you know of an educator, physician, employer, therapist, bus driver, para/aide or other service provider that is going above and beyond? If so, nominate them!
Your stories will help us understand and show the needs and our impact in the Bay Area. We may want to use some or all of your story, but we will contact you first for permission.
To empower, inspire and support people with Down Syndrome, their families and the community that serves them, while fostering awareness and acceptance in all areas of life.