Your support makes the difference!


Become a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer and impact the

lives of individuals with Down syndrome. 

Volunteers are the backbone of our programs and events.  

Your participation is meaningful, valuable, and ultimately makes our programs and events more successful.

We have weekly, monthly and special event opportunities!

                        • Volunteer in a Classroom 
                        • Music Therapy Class Volunteering
                        • Fundraising Events
                        • Community Events
                        • Assist with mailings and office tasks
                        • Donate or solicit items for our Spring Auction
                        • Serve on our Board of Directors
                        • Hold a Fundraiser
Volunteer opportunities are located in:
                            • East Bay
                            • North Bay

(We do not currently have volunteer opportunities in the Peninsula, San Francisco or South Bay)

DSCBA Volunteer Guidelines and Expectations

join-us_2.pngPlease complete registration through our link below: 


Our Mission

To empower, inspire and support people with Down Syndrome, their families and the community that serves them, while fostering awareness and acceptance in all areas of life.