Most of the people and organizations in this guide were recommended by DSCBA members; those ones are designated with a checkmark.
***This resource directory is continually updated as needed***
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Family Resource Centers provide parent to parent support, outreach, information and referral services to families of children with disabilities and the professionals who serve them. All centers serve families of children from birth to three years of age, and many have enhanced funding which allows them to serve families of children over the age of three and individuals with developmental disabilities.
In light of the COVID-19 crisis and the unique health needs of individuals with Down syndrome, the DSCBA would like to share a Q&A created by our friends at the Global Down Syndrome Foundation.
Considerando la crisis de COVID-19 y las necesidades únicas de salud de las personas con síndrome de Down, a DSCBA le gustaría compartir un cuestionario de preguntas y respuestas correspondientes (Q&A- por su sigla en inglés) creado por nuestros amigos de la Fundación Global de Síndrome de Down..
To empower, inspire and support people with Down Syndrome, their families and the community that serves them, while fostering awareness and acceptance in all areas of life.