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World Down Syndrome Day


March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) and we like to celebrate with a dance party! This free celebration for all DSCBA members and their families is a special time for everyone to meet with old friends and make new ones while dancing the night away.


Photos from previous celebrations


Ways to Celebrate

  • Wear mismatched socks, "Rock your Socks"
    • Some believe socks are shaped like chromosomes, and feel this promotes the idea we’re not so different. Mismatched or not, it doesn’t matter what the socks look like, they are both socks. Sure, there are some differences, but ultimately they are the same, just like people with and without Down syndrome.
  • Perform random acts of kindness
    • Random acts of kindness is a fun and easy way to get out into the community, involve people with Down syndrome and their families as well as their schools and community members.
  • Read a book about Down syndrome at your child’s school
    • If you have a younger child with Down syndrome, ask your child’s teacher or principal if you can read a book to the class during story time. It may be a great way to celebrate and educate children about Down syndrome. You may even ask if there are other classes that would enjoy having you read a story for WDSD.
  • Give a presentation at school or your workplace
      • You can use WDSD as an opportunity to do a presentation at your child’s school, in your workplace or at a local community center. If possible, involve your loved one with Down syndrome.


Ability Awareness

Our ability awareness presentations are a unique way to educate students about Down syndrome and allow them to ask questions. These presentations not only spread awareness in our community, but also allow us all to learn that we are more alike than different. If you would like to know more about our presentations, contact us at

Ability Awareness Presentation  - A 15 minute video about creating ability awareness in classrooms by our Director of Education.
