Page 16 - DSCBA - 2022 Impact Report
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Down Syndrome Connection                      Financial
                  of the Bay Area

                  Empower • Inspire • Support                   Statement

     101-J Town & Country Drive                                 Fundraising Events                  $ 642,991
     Danville, CA 94526
                                                                Grants                              $ 562,247
     925•362•8660                                               General Contributions               $   82,776                                             Program Service Fees                $   46,505                                              Other Income                        $      2,491
                                                                TOTAL INCOME                        $1,377,010

     Staff Leadership Team                                      EXPENSES
                                                                Programs                            $1,034,479
     Outgoing Executive Director:                               Fundraising                         $   129,759
     Nancy LaBelle                                              Administration                      $   102,555
     Incoming Executive Director:                               TOTAL EXPENSES                      $1,266,793
     Teresa DeVincenzi
     Director of Programs: Laura Gordon
                                                                Income Over Expenses*               $     70,217
     Director of Teen & Adult Services:                         *From fourth quarter 2022 donations, which will
     Marianne Iversen                                           be invested into 2023 programs.
     Director of Education: Elizabeth Lewis
     Director of New & Young Family Services:
     Cathleen Small

     Director of Finance & Operations:                                       This report is dedicated
     Farhana Hasan                                                              in loving memory to

     Development Director: Kshama Perera
                                                                      Audrey Anne Osman

     2022 Board of Directors                                               March 15, 2009 - October 8, 2022

     President: Dana Morris
     Secretary: Jennifer Schmid
     Co-Treasurer: Dan Ensminger
     Co-Treasurer: Steven Pugsley
     Kim Bellinger
     John Busick
     Jessica Graham
     David Keenan
     Jonas Kriksciunas
     Nathan Leiser
     Clay Mauritson
     Chris Riffel

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