Page 4 - DSCBA - 2021 Impact Report
P. 4

Down Syndrome

     Education Alliance

                                   Ability Awareness             DS/ASD Dual Diagnosis Educational
                          6 Presentations                        Series:

                                   (230 students & 14            •  The Dual Diagnosis of Down Syndrome
                                                                    and Autism (92 attendees)
                                                                 •  Behavior and ABA to Support
                                                                    Individuals with a Dual Diagnosis of DS-
                          10          TEACH                      •  Occupational Therapy & Sensory
                                                                    ASD (45 attendees)

                                      For 334 families              Diets to Support Individuals with Dual
                                      & educators                   Diagnosis (35 attendees)

                                                                 •  AAC Systems & Strategies - Dual
                                                                    Diagnosis DS-ASD Webinar (63
     TEACH Topics:
                                                                 •  Structured Home Teaching Activities for
     •  Ability Awareness in Your School
                                                                    DS-ASD Families (57 attendees)
     •  IEP Binder Builder Workshop
     •  Back In School Q & A

     •  Homeschooling Q & A
     •  Homeschooling Q & A in Spanish
     •  Learning Through Play - Holiday Edition
     •  Road to Success for Your Students with
       Down Syndrome (2)
     •  An Educational Workshop for
     •  2021 Inclusion Collaborative Conference
       Presentation: Effective Modifications for
       Students Working Below Grade Level in a
       General Ed Placement Setting

     We also provided direct training to
     educators via Zoom on topics including DS
     101, Communication, Accommodations &
     Modifications, and Behavior, and we provided
     direct consultation and support to families
     and educators on IEPs and other issues.

     4 • DSCBA Donor Impact Report 2021
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